FOR RELEASE – May 23, 2024
The Yukon Child and Youth Advocate Act is being amended
The Child and Youth Advocate Act guides the operations of the Yukon Child and Youth Advocate Office (YCAO). As an independent office of the Legislative Assembly, YCAO exists to promote the rights and views of young people eligible to receive Yukon Government services. The legislation was initially passed in 2009 and is overdue for review.
The emphasis of the legislative review has been on identifying potential gaps, inconsistencies, and areas of the Act that require amendments or enhancement to better serve Yukon children and youth. Over the last six years, YCAO has been analysing the experiences of the children and families accessing the office and collecting feedback on its legislation. In addition, YCAO has sought targeted input from youth, First Nations governments, families and services providers.
YCAO has identified the following themes for review: public reporting and compliance, information sharing and collaboration with non-YG organizations, implementation of child death reviews, legal representation for children and youth, and enhancing definitions and guiding principles.
"As we navigate the complexities and social change we have seen over the past years, it is imperative that our legislative frameworks evolve to reflect the values and needs of the children and youth needing our advocacy " said Annette King, Child and Youth Advocate.
The Advocate is continuing targeted engagements through an online survey. Anyone who works with or is affected by the provisions of the legislation, including children and youth, families, service providers and First Nation governments, are encouraged to participate in the process, contributing valuable insights and perspectives to inform a future Act. If you are interested in contributing your thoughts on or experience with the Act, the survey can be completed at
"We encourage community members to actively participate in this important process," emphasized King. "Together, we can work towards creating a legal framework that is responsive, equitable, and that upholds children’s rights."
The Child & Youth Advocate Office is an independent office of the Legislative Assembly. The operations of the office are guided by the Child and Youth Advocate Act. Children, youth or others concerned about a child or youth receiving services within Yukon Government can contact the Child and Youth Advocate Office at (867) 456-5575.
Rachel Veinott
Systemic Advocacy Representative
Yukon Child and Youth Advocate Office
(867) 456-5575
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